Prerequisite Steps

Prerequisite Steps for Campaign Success

There are several ways to improve the performance of a newly created ad campaign. This article offers tips to ensure that you’ve chosen the right settings for a successful campaign.

Step-1: Set up conversion tracking on your website

Conversion tracking can give you insights to optimize your campaign performance. Conversions will show you what happens when a customer interacts with your ads – whether they purchase a product, sign up for your newsletter, call your business, or download your app.

When a customer completes an action that you’ve defined as valuable, this action is counted as a conversion. To enable conversion tracking:

  1. Set up a conversion action for your account.

  2. Copy a piece of code called a “tag.”

  3. Paste the tag to your website.

Step-2: Expand your targeting

Targeting your ads to a small city or a few keywords can prevent your campaign from serving customers. Alternatively, targeting an area that is too large may bring irrelevant traffic to your website. Here’s how to avoid these common pitfalls.

Target locations where your customers are, not just where your business is located

Step-3: Write ads that directly relate to what your customers want to buy

Your text ad should mention exactly what your customer wants to buy. Here’s an ideal scenario:

Someone searches for “24-hour flower delivery lilies.” They then see an ad with the headline “Order lilies fast - 24-hour flower delivery.” They click the ad and go straight to the flower site, where they complete their order.

Step-4: Include at least 3 ads in every ad group

It’s important to have more than one ad so that Google Ads can show the one that will likely perform best for each search. One headline in each ad should mention at least one of your keywords. For the other headlines and descriptions, each ad can highlight different aspects of your offering.

Step-5: Make sure you’re using at least 4 extensions

Most advertisers use extensions, and they’re essential to creating Search ads. If you’ve ever been searching on Google and seen an ad with a call button, extra links, an address, or other extra information, you’ve seen extensions.

Extensions make your ad larger and more robust, giving people more reasons to take action directly from your ads. Extensions are free to add, and typically increase your click-through-rate and ad quality. They only show when they’re predicted to get you better results, like clicks to your website.

To get the most value from your Search campaigns, be sure to add at least 4 different extension types to your account or campaigns.

Read More: Set up your campaign for success - Google Ads Help

Last updated