Getting Started

Step-1: Find a domain and create a website for your ads.

To advertise with Google Ads, you first need to have your own website. Your online ads will link to this site, and you can use it as an opportunity to let customers know more about your business.

  • When you advertise with Google Ads, you'll link your online ads to your website.

  • If you don't already have a website, you can create one for free.

  • If you don't want to create a website, you can create a local page with Google My Business and advertise with Smart campaigns in Google Ads.

Read More: Create a website for your ads - Google Ads Help

Step-2: Sign up with Google Ads

To start reaching new customers with online ads tailored to your business goals and budget you need to sign up with Google Ads and create an ads account. This can be done in following steps-

  1. Enter the email you want to use to sign in to your new Google Ads account. If you already have a Google Account (in other words, if you use any other Google product, such as Gmail), use your Google email address.

  2. Enter the website address for the business you want to advertise.

  3. Click on Continue

Read More: Create a Google Ads account: How to sign up - Google Ads Help

AdWords Dashboard

Step-3: Create a campaign

A campaign allows you to promote your products or services on Google’s vast network of search results, websites, videos, mobile apps, maps, shopping listings, and more.

You'll choose a campaign type based on your marketing goals, brand strategy, and how much time you’re able to invest.

1. Create a new campaign and choose your goal

The first step is to create a new campaign and choose your goal. This goal will help you determine the best campaign type to reach your intended audience.

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.

  2. Click the plus button , then select New campaign.

  3. Select the goals for your campaign. If none of the goals fit what you’re looking for, select Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance.

2. Select a campaign type

Your campaign type determines the places online where customers will see your ads. Each campaign type has a different setup and set of best practices. Refer to the guides included at the end of these instructions to finish setting up your campaign. Select a campaign type. If you selected a goal, you’ll see the options for the best campaign types to achieve it.

If your campaign type has subtypes, choose one.

Click Continue.

You’ll be taken to a new page to select your settings, set up ad groups, and create your ads. Follow the guides below to complete these steps based on your campaign type:

  • Search: Text ads on search results

  • Display: Image ads on websites

  • Video: Video ads on YouTube

  • Shopping: Product listings on Google

  • Discovery: Advertise within online feeds

  • App: Promote your app on many channels

  • Local: Promote your locations on many channels

  • Smart: Simplify your campaigns

Read More: Create a campaign - Google Ads Help

Watch the videos to understand the Google Ads Campaign - Goals & Type in detail:

Last updated